Who I really Am

0O7A7989Over the past few years,It has become completely clear to me who I am.

Although I have tried many things in my life, There are a few that have always been there for me and I run to when things get rough or the opposite of rough.

First and foremost is music. I was enthralled and overwhelmed at a very early age, coming from a musical family and even the ones who didn’t have the knack for playing still steered me in the right direction. I cut my teeth on everything from Elvis to Motown,Rock to Country, Gospel to Metal. I love it all. To this day music inspires me and many times I run home to a particular song or artist for comfort and inspiration.

Lately people as a whole have become less interesting and I find myself reaching for the comfort of past relationships only because I have found a clear home for them. Don’t get me wrong. I have honestly never found any human that I don’t like. Only their characteristics were a put off. This is a wide summary but I believe everyone has an artistic contribution to make if you are willing to see it. I will love you as long as you love me are some famous words from some musician. Well, I may have written that myself. Point is. We all have a beauty that I for one want to see.0O7A7989


To Everyone,

Over the last few years a lot of changes have taken place in my life, most of them for the better.

One change for the better came after I had been laid off from a terrific job and at that time didn’t know where to turn.

It was then I decided to pick up an old habit and escape to the one place that had always provided comfort and peace of mind. I grabbed my new camera and headed for the mountains of western North Carolina. I had no idea where all of this would lead me and after the loss of my father and mother I simply lost myself in the beauty of these mountains. I can’t help but get a little emotional writing this. It was difficult at times to know if I was choosing the right path for myself but after four years, I have no doubts. I didn’t do any of this on my own. I was inspired by the beauty of this place and influenced by mom and dad and the support came from the best friends any man can hope for. I am talking about all of you. Without your support I would have never continued and now it is so engrained in me that I will never stop. The only thing I can do to show my appreciation is to continue to share the beauty I witness everyday and to make it as revealing and true as I possibly can.

Thank you for being there for me. I look forward to everyones comments.

Getting Started

Hi everyone,
I wanted to let all of you know I am finally getting around to opening a blog so that all of the things I have experienced over the years will have a place to call home other than my head.I will post as often as possible and would love to hear from all of you. Share your story, share your thoughts.